Where do we source our beans?

DrDazz collaborate with Settlement to develop our coffee products. It is important for DrDazz that the beans that are used are ethnically sourced. This page introduces the farmers who grow our beans.


Matilde Farm

Grower: Ricardo & Leonardo Tavares
Region: Chapada de Minas
Altitude: 1060 MASL

Head shot of two men in the plantations.

Located in the region of Chapada de Minas Gerais, Matilde farm has 550 hectares of coffee planted at an average altitude of 1060 MASL.

They are the 3rd. generation in coffee and doing a brilliant job on specialty coffee farming. One of their farms came 1st Place at COE 2018 and 2nd place at COE 2019.

The region, Chapada de Minas, is mountainous and with a landscape that mixes Cerrado and Rain forest vegetation, which gives a lush and diverse biodiversity. With high relative humidity, a climate quite like Central America, and clay soil, the farm’s climate intercalates dry and consistent rain periods, where coffee is planted in both flat and slight lumpy lands and has streams and rivers in all its extension.

These beans are used in these DrDazz Coffees:  Co-Author (Seasonal), Professor, AGOSCInator and Sweet Brazilian.

Cerrado Mineiro

 The Vinhal Family standing in plantation. Their son is on the left of his parents.

The Vinhal Farm

Grower: Rafael Vinhal
Region: Cerrado Mineiro
Altitude: 980 MASL
Since 1988 Vinhal Farm has been producing very high quality coffees in the heart of Minas Gerais state, in Cerrado Mineiro Region - Brazil. Throughout this trajectory they have improved their work and adopted the best sustainability
practices and respect for people and the environment. They are a family running a
business and everyone who works in the farm is absolutely passionate about their coffee. 

These beans are used in these DrDazz Coffee: Professor.


Finca El Bosque Farm

Region Opalaca, La Paz, Marcala
Altitude 1550 masl

Some coffee berries on a brunch.

Edgardo Urquia owns and operates Beneficio Villa Florida. This lot comes from the El Bosque plot which is comprised of 11 hectares, 7 of which are planted with 30,000 coffee trees and the rest with shade trees. He is a 3rd generation coffee producer and Beneficio Villa Florida is almost 30 years old. After harvesting the ripe cherry, it is sorted and placed directly on raised beds and sun-dried for 20 days as a Natural.

The Lempira variety, developed by IHCAFE (Honduras's national coffee institute) is a hybrid and does well processed as a Natural from what we've seen on the cupping table!

Edgardo's goals for the future are to increase production, improve quality, and implement a new process!

 For more information, visit Honduras page.

These beans are used in these DrDazz Coffees:  Co-Author (Seasonal), Professor and AGOSCInator


Cañon de las Hermosas

Altitude: 1900 masl
Tolima department is located in the centre-west part of Colombia in the Central Andes mountain range, sharing border with Cauca, Huila, Quindio and Risaralda departments that used to be inhabited by Pijaos Indigenous community.
Caöon de las Hermosas is a canyon in the boarder of Tolima and Cauca departments, very close to a municipality called Chaparral where coffee is gathered. It is located at the south west part of Tolima department. It gets its name because there is a large number of these plants called Chaparros where the municipality is located.

These beans are used in these DrDazz Coffees:  AGOSCInator and Dazzling Colombian.